SG Mortgages


Project Details

Our team recently had the opportunity to work with a mortgage blog to improve their website and blog strategy. The blog was looking to increase traffic to their website and improve their rankings in search engines.

We began by conducting a thorough analysis of their website and identifying areas for improvement. We recommended changes to the website's layout and design to make it more user-friendly and visually appealing. We also optimized the website for search engines by improving the site's metadata, including title tags and meta descriptions, and implementing a keyword strategy.

In addition to improving the website, we also helped the blog to develop a blog strategy that would attract readers and improve their search engine rankings. We advised them on the importance of creating high-quality, informative content that would be of interest to their target audience. We helped them to develop a content calendar that included topics that would be relevant to their audience and that would help to establish their expertise in the mortgage industry.

We also provided them with guidance on how to optimize their blog posts for search engines by including relevant keywords and internal linking. We helped them to develop a strategy for promoting their blog posts through social media and email marketing.

Through our work with the mortgage blog, we were able to help them to improve their website and blog strategy, which led to an increase in traffic to their website and higher rankings in search engines. By creating high-quality, informative content and optimizing their website for search engines, they were able to attract more readers and establish themselves as an authority in the mortgage industry. Ultimately, our work with the mortgage blog helped them to achieve their goals of increasing traffic to their website and improving their search engine rankings.

What we've done

  1. Advertisement Management;
  2. Website Development.
Website Development

Lead and information-based website, we were able to develop a captivating website with our main focuses

SG Mortgages
SG Mortgages